Sunday 4 October 2009

Is Your Weight Causing Anxiety?

If your weight is causing anxiety you are NOT alone!

Losing weight can be a daunting task at the best of times.  If it's been something weighing on your mind for a long time, then it is bound to make you feel uncomfortable.  It may cause unwanted thoughts, like making one feel inadequate, especially if your peers do not have the same problem.

It's very tough going out with friends for lunch, dinner or anywhere when you feel different to them.  If you have a hang up aboutyour weight, then going shopping for clothes with a friend may be something that makes you feel out of place.  But it needn't!  Perhaps it's deeper routed rather than just your weight causing you
anxiety, because weight is something that can and will be lost with the right mindset.  Think about it a little further.  You are a unique being, as are we all.  There are many fat people, thin people, tall people, short people and so on, all with different personalities, problems, good fortunes, misfortunes etc.  If it's really your weight causing you anxiety, then taking a step in the right direction to Take Action is brilliant!

What people need to understand is that weight problems should not cause anxiety, but quite the opposite.  If you are ready to embark on a weight loss program, then that is a great Start! You are informing your mind that there is a solution and by doing that, it should not cause you any further upset because it is something you have thought through and resolved. So, get on and reach for the start, you will get there...  With a little patience and faith it will come off and your weight will no longer cause you anxiety!

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