Sunday 4 October 2009

What is The Best Weight Loss Program?

Finding out what the best weight loss program is requires some ground rules, simply because, what works for one does not work for another!

Rule #1.) Are you in perfect physical and mental health?

Rule #2.) Do you suffer from any food or other allergies?

Rule #3.) How committed are you?

Rule #4.) What are your goals?

The reason I stated the above groundrules when looking for the best weight loss program is that its' imperative to follow a program that will not affect you in any adverse way. For instance, if you suffer from an allergy to tomatoes and they are a form a big part of the Cabbage Soup Diet for example, then that may not be for you. For someone who has an intolerance to wheat and gluten would find it very difficult to follow a diet that consisted mainly of food that contained these ingredients.

Being in perfect physical and mental health is extremely important before starting any weight loss program. You should always check with your Doctor before starting an exercise regime if you have been out of it for a while. Baby steps are needed to get back into it. Some people will just jump straight in, but taking it slowly produces better results in the long run, along with less injuries, which would blight your program anyhow. Being mentally well to begin the best weight loss program is imperative. Certain medication works with health eating and would not perhaps react well to a strained weight loss program that cut out vital nutrients.

How committed are you is another stepping stone. People do not realise that trying to lose the 10 pounds they have gained can not be lost as quick as it was gained! After all, it did not take a large amount of exercise to add the weight, besides chewing and swallowing, so to get it off will require great committment. Saying that, I am not intimating that you should drive yourself insane or expect it to happen in a day. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself time. Most of all be relaxed about it! The more we worry about something, the more it never goes away! Always remember that.

Settings goals are a great way to make sure you achieve what you set out to do. Realistic goals are what is needed so you are able to keep up day by day, week, by week. For example, if you have 50 pounds to lose, setting a goal of approximately 8 pounds a month, broken down into 2 pounds a week is not unattainable and will not put you under pressure. That is the secret to setting goals. If we set realistic ones, then we do not set ourselves up for disappointment and give up. This way, we are able to maintain a realistic pace.

What the best weight loss program is still remains to be seen, so in the next week, I will be reviewing a few different ones which you can read and keep up with it!

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